
Nonlinear regression – least-squares estimation of parameters

The minimization is performed by the CRS algorithm with four competing local heuristics and adaptive stopping condition.


[b_star, rss_star] = crs4hce(fun, y_obs, X, a, b)
[b_star, rss_star, my_eps] = crs4hce(fun, y_obs, X, a, b, my_eps0, gamma)
[b_star, rss_star, my_eps, ne, nrst] = ...
   crs4hce(fun, y_obs, X, a, b, my_eps0, gamma, N, max_evals, delta, w0)


This function estimates the regression coefficients (returned as b_star) of a nonlinear regression function using least squares. The minimal sum of residual squares found by the search is in rss_star, ne is the number of objective function evaluation and nrst is the number of of probability resets, my_eps is the value found by adaptation of stopping condition, (see description of algorithms).

fun:(obligatory) is either the string with the name of fun or @fun
y_obs:(obligatory) is a column vector of response (dependent variable) values.
X:(obligatory) is a design matrix of independent variables (regressors), with one row for each value in y_obs.
a, b:(obligatory) are lower und upper bounds of the search space, row vectors of the same length, their length is equal to the number of estimated parameters

Remaining six input parameters are facultative, but if you decide to modify their default setting then you can ether modify my_eps0 and gamma together or give all six.

my_eps0, gamma:are used for adaptation of stopping condition (see description of algorithms)
N:is the size of population
max_evals:is used for stopping condition
delta, w0:control the competition of local heuristics (see description of algorithms)


Nonlinear regression function is written in boxbod.m file:

function y_hat = boxbod(b, X)
y_hat = b(1)*(1-exp(-b(2) * X(:,1)));

X and y_obs are initialized as follows:

X = .[1; 2; 3; .5; 7; .10]
y_obs = [109; 149; 149; 191; 213; 224]

More about the BoxBOD data see

Remark: It is convenient to read the regression data from external file – see Matlab, Low-Level File I/O.

sample results:

>> b_star = crs4hce((@boxbod, y_obs, X, [1, 0.1], [1000 2])
b_star = 213.809 0.5472

>> [b_star, rss_star, my_eps] = crs4hce(@boxbod, y_obs, X, [1, 0.1], [1000 2])
b_star = 213.809 0.5472
rss_star = 1.1680e+003
my_eps = 1.0000e-009

>> [b_star, rss_star, my_eps, ne] = ...
      crs4hce('boxbod', y_obs, X, [1, 0.1], [1000 2], 1e-2,1e3)
b_star = 213.821 0.5467
rss_star = 1.1680e+003
my_eps = 1.0000e-003
ne = 329

>> [b_star, rss_star, my_eps, ne, nrts] = ...
      crs4hce('boxbod', y_obs, X, a, b, 1e-5, 1e5, 30, 1000, 0.03, 0.5)
b_star = 213.8241 0.5470
rss_star = 1.1680e+003
my_eps = 1.0000e-005
ne = 801
nrts = 14

You can use the estimates b_star found by this algorithm as starting values in nlinfit function of Statistical Toolbox and produce more detailed output useful for statistical analysis.