
Global minimization with box constrains by differential evolution with competitive control-parameter setting


[x_star, fn_star, func_evals, success, func_near, nrst, cni] =
b6e6rl(fn_name, a, b, N, my_eps, max_evals, f_near, n0, delta, shift)


This function returns the coordinate of the point with minimal objective function value found by the search process in x_star. The minimal objective function value is in fn_star. func_evals is number of function evaluations in search process, func_near is number of function evaluations performed until the minimal objective value in population is less than f_near, (see description of algorithms).

fn_name:is the string with the name of function
a, b:are lower und upper bounds of the search space, row vectors of the same length, their length is equal to the search space dimension
my_eps, max_evals:
 are used for stopping condition (see description of algorithms)
N:the size of population
n0, delta:control the competition of settings (see description of algorithms)

The other parameters are described in the source codes.