Purpose of the Conference
International Conferences for Undergraduate and Graduate Students of Applied Mathematics (SCAM/ISCAM)
were organized by two faculties of the Slovak University of Technology in Bratislava.
Professor Zdenka Riečanová from the Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Information
Technology and professor Radko Mesiar from the Faculty of Civil Engineering were
guaranties of these conferences in years 1999-2007. The original idea was to bring
together graduate students in various areas of mathematics relevant for applications.
After one-year pause, the ISCAM is again organized in a new guise. Since 2009, the ISCAMI extends its scope by informatics and it is co-organized by the Department of Mathematics of Faculty of Civil Engineering (Slovak University of Technology in Bratislava) represented by Radko Mesiar and by the Institute for Research and Applications of Fuzzy Modeling (University of Ostrava) represented by Vilém Novák. Venue will alter every year between Bratislava to keep the original nature and tradition of the ISCAM conference and an unspecified locality situated in mountains close to Ostrava to provide participants with manifold surroundings.
ISCAMI 2014 will be organized in Malenovice - a beautiful village situated on the root of the Lysá hora mountain, the highest mountain in Beskydy mountains.
After one-year pause, the ISCAM is again organized in a new guise. Since 2009, the ISCAMI extends its scope by informatics and it is co-organized by the Department of Mathematics of Faculty of Civil Engineering (Slovak University of Technology in Bratislava) represented by Radko Mesiar and by the Institute for Research and Applications of Fuzzy Modeling (University of Ostrava) represented by Vilém Novák. Venue will alter every year between Bratislava to keep the original nature and tradition of the ISCAM conference and an unspecified locality situated in mountains close to Ostrava to provide participants with manifold surroundings.
ISCAMI 2014 will be organized in Malenovice - a beautiful village situated on the root of the Lysá hora mountain, the highest mountain in Beskydy mountains.
Based on the quality and the topics of contributions, chosen participants will be invited to submit papers in English to special issues of international journals.
Summer School
In 2014, based on the decision of the organizing committee and the successful
experience from 2012 and 2013, ISCAMI will be organized jointly with the
3rd Summer School on Applied Mathematics and Informatics.
This means that the programme will alter between sections with student contributions and
blocks of tutorials given by invited prominent reaseachers. This activity as well as the whole conference
is supported by the A-MATH-NET project.
Supported by
A-MATH-NET project
Financial support
We publish official registration fees. However, due to the support of
A-MATH-NET project we
will provide participants by a financial support. Particularly, participants from institutions
involved in the project (Brno Technical University, Masaryk University Brno, Palacký University in Olomouc,
University of West Bohemia, Institute of Mathematics of AS ČR in Brno and University of Ostrava)
will get a full compensation of the expenses and will not pay the registration fees. For details, ask the
financial chair of ISCAMI.
Up to a given budget, participants from other institutions will be also suported up to the full cover of all expenses. Please note, there is no automatic right for such support and the decision about the support will be made jointly by the A-MATH-NET team at the University of Ostrava and the Organizing Committee.
Visa inforamtion:
The Organizing committee will NOT provide participants with an invitation letter on the official form of the alien police for the EU visa purposes. Furthermore, due to the storno fees we cannot risk any no-shows on the conference due to visa reasons. Therefore, ALL PARTICIPANTS FROM COUNTRIES WITH VISA OBLIGATION will be asked to send us a copy of their visa in order to make the registration valid! THERE WILL BE NO EXCEPTION FROM THIS RULE!!!
We ask the registered participants from non-EU countries with a visa obligation to take this limitation into account seriously!
We proudly acknowledge the endorsement of ISCAMI 2014 under the wings of EUSFLAT, the European Society for Fuzzy Logic and Technology.
Let us turn your attention to the other EUSFLAT-endorsed events for scholars interested in theory as well as applications of soft computing, see the links to EUSFLAT events.