We study how inverse limits on graphs can be embedded in the plane. For example, it is well known that every inverse limit on arcs (chainable continuum) can be embedded in the plane (Bing 1951). Specially, if there is only one bonding map, then the inverse limit can be embedded as an attractor of a planar homeomorphism (Barge and Martin 1990). We are interested in different planar embeddings of the same space, where planar copies of the space are considered equivalent if there is a planar homeomorphism mapping one onto another. For example, in certain cases one can show that the same space can be embedded in the plane in uncountably many non-equivalent ways. We will show how to embed inverse limits in the plane, generalizing Bing and Barge-Martin construction. Furthermore, we will investigate when embedded spaces are dynamically significant (i.e. which self homeomorphisms can be extended to a planar homeomorphism) and how to detect accessible points within them.