Presentation summarizes results obtained during past research by the LIS laboratory, presents new hardware, directions for further research and possibilities for collaboration with other IRAFM researchers. Special attention will be paid to: - Next development and LFLC application for fast technological processes control including the automatic context change. - Presentation of current state of the PLC linguistic fuzzy logic controller development and ongoing experiments of liquid level control in the model of connected vessels and transferring LFLC into the generic systems based on PLC architecture. - Design and implementation of algorithm for finding the appropriate result (output) values based on input values and generated lookup table. This algorithm was implemented in a programming language SCL and tested by Siemens PLC. Lookup table is generated in LFLC tool and can be used for any knowledge base defined in the LFLC tool. - Development of application for risk analysis. It is a complex tool with web-based frontend created for support of processes of the risk management in area of Information Security. The tool serves as a center for creation, evaluation and automatic processing of information security risk analysis. The core of the application is constructed from a set of expert systems for decision-making support in individual steps of the risk analysis process. This tool has included into the RANIT tool, developed by VIAVIS a.s. company and which has many real applications ( - An application for online student's language test processing and subsequent evaluation of student's educational needs. This application is part of the adaptive e-learning system, which is currently being developed. - Presentation of NAO humanoid robot and possibilities to use the LFLC tool. Simple robots are very limited devices and therefore they cannot operate under the large databases. We would like to transfer LFLC tool into the cloud to perform complex operations outside the robot (such as robot cognitive functions). The cloud also provides a shared knowledge base. - Short introduction into the intelligent house (Home Automation) concept. We would like to outline possibilities to use LFLF tool to predict future trends of user behavior and minimize energy demands of the whole system. LFLC can be used to allow user to change control strategy on user-friendly way.