When dealing with fuzzy relational inference system, there are two standard approaches to model a fuzzy rule base (by conjunction of implications and by disjunction of conjunctions aka Mamdani-Assilian models) and there are two appropriate images that can be used for modeling the inference mechanism (Computational Rule of Inference and Bandler-Kohout subproduct). The combination of the Mamdani-Assilian model and Computational Rule of Inference (abbr. CRI) is the most favourite one however, not the safest one from the interpolative point of view. The combination of the conjuction of implications and the Bandler-Kohout Subproduct is not safe from the interpolative point of view either. From tje interpoolative point of view, one should give preference to using conjunction of implications jointly with CRI or to using the combination of Mamdani-Assilian model jointly with the Bandler-Kohout subproduct. The other side of the coin is that the unpreferred combinations give advatages in terms of computational costs, robustness or other aspects. However, in 2002, B. Moser and M. Navara showed, that in the case of the frequently used combination of Mamdani-Assilian model and the CRI, the interpolativity often cannot be assured at all. Thus, the apparent advantages of low computational costs or robustness are heavily redeemed by the price of broken modus ponens. Therefore, B. Moser and M. Navara proposed a specific modification of the CRI inference mechanism, that together with Mamdani-Assilian model easily assures interpolativity. The proposal was entitled: Conditionally Firing Rules. In our presentation, we focus on re-definition of the proposed axiomatic environment in such a way, that the modified axioms express the same meaining for implicative rules as the original axioms for the Mamdani-Assilian rules. In this setting, we may introduce Conditionally Firing Implicative Rules and show, that a modification of the Bandler-Kohout subproduct inference similar to the one proposed by B. Moser and M. Navara jointly with the implicative rules becomes a very safe combination from the interpolativity point of view.