LDRE is an application that automatically detects and deletes redundant fuzzy rules in linguistic descriptions (special implicative fuzzy rule bases based on the Theory of Evaluative Linguistic Expressions). The algorithm is developed for the PbLD inference method for which the newly obtained redundancy eliminated linguistic description provides exactly the same input-output behavior as the original redundancy containig linguistic description.
The sofware runs on MS Windows operation system, tested on Windows 7 64bit and on Windows Vista 32 bit.
Appication uses QT framework libraries. These libraries are included in the package. For run the software please execute file ldre.exe
. The application contains these control buttons:
- "Open file": opens a file in RB format. The format is described bellow.
- "Process": runs the application in according to the selected type of elimination and logs into a log file, if chosen.
The formats of elimination and log are described bellow. After processing, the output is automatically saved into a new *.rb
file into the same folder, from which the original rb file was opened.
RB file format: This type of file consists of rows, where each row describes one record. The record is in format ANTECEDETS | CONSEQUENT. ANTECEDENTS consist of "VALUE 1" "VALUE 2" ... "VALUE n" where n is an arbitrary integer number. Each VALUE is given by a linguistic expression which consists of a lingustic hedge and an atomic linguistic expression. CONSEQUENT consists of only one linguistic expression. The file has to start with word RULES and end with word END_RULES. Example of RB file content is as follows:
RULES "undef" "si bi" "vr me" "qr sm" "ro sm" "ml sm" "ro me" "ml sm" "undef" | "vr sm" "undef" "ex bi" "undef" "ve sm" "vr sm" "ro sm" "undef" "sm" "undef" | "vr sm" "qr bi" "qr bi" "undef" "ro sm" "vr sm" "ml sm" "vr bi" "undef" "undef" | "qr sm" "ml sm" "undef" "undef" "vr me" "undef" | "vr sm" "undef" "ml sm" "undef" "ml sm" "undef" | "vr sm" END_RULES
Formats of reduction:
- "Redund elimin": process of redundancy elimination alorithm based on www.atlantis-press.com/php/paper-details.php?id=8424
- "Duplicit elimin": elimination of the same records rules.
Log to file:
Can be used for debugging purproses. A new file logger.txt
, that contains detailed steps of algorithm, is created in the directory where ldre.exe
is executed.
Remarks: The run time depends stongly on the size of the rb file. Usually file with hundreds of rules is processed in seconds, but time costs increase exponentially. Therefore we cannot propose to process files consisting of of tens of thousands of records.
The run time depends on log to file option too: the file is saved to hard disk and logs a lot of data. Please, make sure that you have enough space on your hard disk - it can reach more than ten of gigabytes in case of a big file.
To download LDRE software use the following link.